Yasha's Tapochki

three years ago today one of my closest friends took his life. i grieved him the only way i know how - with art.  marina & i wrote a short film, and with the help of a grant from @cojeco_ny we got to make it. 

the film played at a few festivals, and then we had an online premiere with a talk afterwards with Rabbi David Seth Kirshner - who lost a brother to suicide and is fighting to break the stigma inside the Jewish community.

if you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health, or with suicidal thoughts please call 988. help is available.

thank you to everyone that helped make this film. it was the greatest honor to get to direct it. it is now public on my vimeo for all to watch. you can find it in my bio.

rip thomas πŸ–€ 5.10.90 - 11.29.20


director: πŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

written by: πŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ & @isthatmydaughterinthere 

DP: @barbieleungdp 

ac: @beatrizbarbiericosta 

gaffer: @clurrrwith3rs 

sound: @staticsiftingfilms 

ad: @tylermcclain 

scripty: @kristigunther 

bts & pa: @tenbroek.jpg @filmbyten 

edited: @shanecjensen 

color: @lostintime23 

sound design: @wet.crimps 

score: @doonbuggg 

poster: @austinkim90 

producers: πŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ & @isthatmydaughterinthere & @tylermcclain